Is Inconsistent Messaging Turning Clients Away?

Know. Like. Trust. Buy.  

You’re getting to know people via social media, traditional media, and even that old-school, in-person networking. What happens, though, when your messaging misses the mark? Will people stick around if your actions don’t sync up with your words? Probably not.

King Size CarAs I walked into one of my favorite coffee shops last week, I spotted a license plate that read KING SZ.

It made me smile, and then giggle as I took a look at this little smart car with the king-size license side

If this is the approach you’re taking with your company’s messaging, you might want to re-assess. Right now. Need help? Let’s chat.



Is Inconsistent Messaging Turning Clients Away? was last modified: August 25th, 2015 by Deb Nelson
My greatest joy is helping people kick their old habits to the curb to live their best life. As an integrative nutrition health coach, I support people in individual and group settings as they set and achieve health goals. Healthy living starts now.


  • Keeping in touch without harassing and spamming is my motto, Deb. The way I see it, I like to be remembered but not badgered and if my Tribe is a reflection of me, then they would not like it either.

    • Good words to live by, Vatsala. I’m sure your Tribe is a reflection of your philosophy ~ you seem to attract those with a similar mindset.

  • Interesting look Deb at who we attract and hang around. I see it in groups where it appears we are putting out the same message to all, yet some are more attracted to it, or us and deepen the connection, while others skirt by. My philosophy is to be authentic and consistent.

    • That’s a great philosophy, Roz, that seems to serve you well! Authenticity is key to success and you rule where authenticity is concerned!!

  • If your message doesn’t match who and what you/your business represents, you’re just sabotaging yourself.

    • My thoughts exactly, Gisele!

  • One of the things I thought when I saw the license plate and the car was, he might have just scaled down his car choices or that he got everyone’s attention because of the mismatch between the license plate message and the car! Although this can work sometimes, I agree that we want to generally match who we are with how we present ourselves to the world. That is called authenticity in my world and oftentimes both online and offline, what someone says, isn’t what he is. Thanks for the reminder and the smile with this one, Deb!

    • This just really struck me as so funny, Beverley. Love the mismatch, and thought it was a hoot and a half. Of course, with authenticity being all the rage in the business world, the mismatch makes you do a double take and ask whether the biz is walking the walk. Glad you appreciated the humor here.

  • At first glance SZ means “Size”, but what if SZ means something totally different. Probably not, but it sends a message.

    • Too funny Joe – it makes it even more important to be clear with messaging if SZ doesn’t mean size:) Clear communication is key to any successful business.

  • Hi Deb,
    Loved this short and sweet post! Made me laugh as well when I saw this license plate on this little tiny car lol Yes, your message must match all across your social media channels and on your blog or website so you are sending a consistent message to everyone. So important!!

    • Sometimes we all need a good laugh, Joan!! Many lessons learned through humor:)

  • Nice and fun blog post Deb! Maybe that’s his intention to grab people’s attention to the car! Imagine, if the number plate was “TINY SZ”….. it’s not funny at all because it’s a tiny car… However, I totally agree with you we must match our message across social media and web contents. Thanks Deb 🙂

    • I probably would have walked right by if it had been TINY SZ – and I get it that we want to grab people’s attention with our messaging, just need to make sure we’re grabbing the right people the right way.

  • I loved the picture of the car. The sarcastic smart-aleck in me laughed, and even the coach in me smiled as I thought about the old quote of “It’s not the size of the dog, it’s the size of the dog’s heart.” On a business note, however, I can see how this is not the best strategy.
    Unless, of course, you are known for your sarcastic wit, and it is expected (which I’m thinking professionals frown upon greatly). Great post!

    • Thanks Liz – yes, I love the sarcasm as well. It just made me laugh and thought it was a good reminder to have all systems on the same page:)

  • Love this short and sweet post with the Big message. It is easy to tweak your message for a group you are with,then forget what the real message is. Great reminder to focus on what you want people to truly know about you and your business. I also agree with Roz that authenticity always wins!

    • Thanks for your comments, Tamara. Sometimes keeping it short is the best way to share a message. And you and Roz are spot on with authenticity. Being real is super important to any business’s success.

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