It’s Your Turn. Make Your Move. Share Your Story.

Will everyone want to do business with you? Absolutely not. Your job, then, is to find people who appreciate your unique talent, skills, and offerings. Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it?

You know your business. You’ve fine-tuned your craft. And now, you’re waiting for the phone to ring or an email to arrive. I’ll let you in on a secret: It’s your turn. Make your move. Share your story. Activity breeds activity. Word of mouth is powerful – to make that work, you need to create a buzz of activity. Social media, face-to-face networking, and traditional marketing are among the variety of tools at your disposal.Go Means To Start Action To Proceed

Before you go out into the world to attract clients, ask and answer some tough questions about the product, service, opportunity you’re sharing with the world:

Who’s your audience?

Who cares?

So what?

Why you?

Why is my product / service worthy of purchase?

These questions will help you as you craft your story. And, yes, you’ll have a story for different situations. Time spent up front preparing your story, your pitch, your path will pay off as you build your business.

It’s time. Do good work. Share your story. Advance your cause.

It’s Your Turn. Make Your Move. Share Your Story. was last modified: January 23rd, 2015 by Deb Nelson
My greatest joy is helping people kick their old habits to the curb to live their best life. As an integrative nutrition health coach, I support people in individual and group settings as they set and achieve health goals. Healthy living starts now.


  • I loved telling my story at networking events or craft shows. Since going online, I told it in my early blogs and many posts on my FB page. A few people have written about me, done a few podcasts. I love reading others stories.

    • Thanks for checking in Roz! Yes, it’s great telling our stories; and once we find the right forum, we find that others want to help us share those stories. Looks like your tribe is growing – congrats to you!

  • As a conversational storyteller, I really believe we all have wonderful and rich stories to share with others. This is on a personal and a business level too. The “buzz” these days seems to be all about brands and companies defining their story and I love how you offered five concise questions to ask to help hone and create the story to share. And yes, our stories do change depending on who we are speaking to. This is something I’ve learned to do on the various radio shows I have appeared on to share my story about me and my book. My father was a wonderful storyteller and I only hope I have inherited a little bit of his savvy.

    • I would say that the storytelling gene has been firmly planted in your soul, Beverley. You seem to have perfected the skill of storytelling – paying attention to your audience, while staying true to the story. Glad to have you among the people reading my blog.

  • I think your story should come from the heart, that’s when people feel it the most. Being authentic is so important and will make the difference between a sale and a ‘see you later’! Asking those five questions will really help in defining your target market and create the element of trust which is so important not just for the click but to ensure your customer returns again and again and again.

    Great insights in to the skill of storytelling!

    • Thanks for the comments, Michee. You’re right on target here: When the story comes from the heart, magic happens!

  • I love stories! Storytelling is such a valuable medium to demonstrate value and can easily differentiate you from the competition. I just did a feedback survey from the attendees to a recent workshop I delivered on how to transform your marketing communications into high converting sales conversations and the number one takeaway was about how the stories I told helped drive each point home and clarify the information presented. Stories are powerful and help you to connect with your audience in ways other marketing mediums can’t.

    • Gotta love the power of stories!

  • Hi Deb,
    Short and to the point! Love it 🙂 Taking action is key to your success bigtime! Great post!

    • Thanks Joan. Appreciate your taking the time to read the post and weigh in.

  • Very important questions to ask ourselves before seeking clients!

    • Good point, Sharise – we’ve got to have the answers about ourselves before we start approaching prospective clients. No easy task=>

  • Thank you Deb!
    This is So great to keep in mind as the basis of seeking clients that can appreciate what you have to offer.
    Timing is also important when telling our stories. Audience needs to be ready to listen.

    • Oh, yes, timing is everything, isn’t it? Thanks for pointing that out, Renee. We’ve got to meet clients / prospective clients where they are, which means we have to listen and learn.

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