Cancer Treatment: What if We’re Headed Down the Wrong Path?

What if…

Instead of pursuing a war against cancer that began more than 40 years ago,

We celebrate and boost the power of our immune system?

What if…

Instead of focusing on surgery, chemo, and radiation for cancer treatment,

We focus on nutrition, exercise, and stress-free living to boost our immune system?

What if…

Instead of referring to surgery, chemo, and radiation as traditional treatment,

We refer to each of them as conventional treatment?

What if…

Instead of referring to nutrition, exercise and stress-free living as alternative treatment,

We refer to each of them as traditional treatment? And then return to traditional treatment?

What if…

Instead of investing billions of dollars in developing more drugs with debilitating side effects to treat cancer,

We invest in delivering existing treatments that boost the power of our immune system?

What if…

We follow Michael Pollan’s simple advice?

“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

Cancer Treatment: What if We’re Headed Down the Wrong Path? was last modified: December 1st, 2016 by Deb Nelson
My greatest joy is helping people kick their old habits to the curb to live their best life. As an integrative nutrition health coach, I support people in individual and group settings as they set and achieve health goals. Healthy living starts now.


  • I was cheering, “Yes, yes, yes”, all the way through this post Deb and am so aligned with every word you share! “What if”, people took responsibility for their health and well being and weren’t always looking for the “quick fix” via drugs or pills that medical doctors are so good at prescribing? We all are individuals and it is up to us on to commit to ourselves to live healthy lives and contribute to society. Thanks so much for this post! I really hope many people take away a new perspective for themselves and their lives on what is possible in the real of health and wellness.

    • Thanks Beverley – I just love seeing people taking charge of their lives and their health without the first resort being a magic pill. Adjusting our lifestyles and diet will do a world of good for reducing chronic illness and dependence on pharmaceuticals. Yes, that quick fix may be appealing on one hand; the side effects and long-term consequences can be devastating. Hmmm…looks like I better go for that run!!

  • Thank you Deb, this is fantastic! I agree that we can keep it simple and make sure our eating habits help us be healthy, easily. I love the advice by Michael Pollan. Best 🙂

    • I’m definitely looking forward to the day when I hear people going to see a nutritionist rather than an oncologist. And, yes, Michael Pollan definitely said it best!!

  • What a great post Deb 🙂 The what ifs that you talk about are definately something to ponder for sure! There are so many simple things that you can do to prevent diseases like cancer. Thanks for sharing this informative post 🙂

    • Hi Joan – Yes, sometimes simple is the solution. We often complicate things when a simple fix might do.The phrase you are what you eat comes to mind often.

  • Interest post. I think the “what if we take care of ourselves” to so important. But there is a caution here. I know of a case where someone choice to turn their back on “conventional” treatment where there was a very high chance of survival, to more “traditional” treatments and did not live. I think there is a balance, and each case is different. I also thing there are some great alternative in the “conventional” treatments, for example I have a client who is physio therapist who work with oncology clients with amazing results.

    • Hi Heather – Thanks for your comments. One thing I’ve learned is that there are many paths to health. So, yes, I believe there is a place for what I refer to as conventional treatment – it seems to me, though, that we’d live in a different world if a fraction of the funds invested in drug therapy were invested in prevention.
      With drugs as the first course of action, I think we miss out on an opportunity to heal illness without all of the side effects of harsh drugs. Even when people do go the surgery, chemo, radiation route, their journey can be very different if they combine that treatment with lifestyle changes.

  • YAY! Keep spreading the news, sister! I love the way you bring your point across in a way that makes you think, and gives both sides of the coin. 100% agree with you…

    • Oh, Norma, I absolutely love your enthusiasm!! And, you totally got my point – just encouraging people to think and make the best choices for their particular situation. Woo hoo – the tide is turning!!

  • This is definitely food for thought. I have always believed in the power of natural, holistic foods and clean living as the first line of defense for ANY ailment. I have first-hand experience watching how even small dietary, environmental, and activity changes can have great, lasting effects on one’s health and well-being. I think this can happen with Cancer and most other “terminal” illnesses too.

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