Why Put a New Habit into Place on Groundhog Day?

Each year as February 2 arrives we celebrate Groundhog Day and wonder if Punxsutawney Phil will predict an early or late spring arrival date. Why, oh why, do we let a wily groundhog have control of our happiness?

How about if this year, for a change, we look at Groundhog Day as OUR day: our day to put a new habit in place? Nothing against groundhogs, but I’m betting most of us could use to take a bit more control of our lives. So…let’s own our health by putting a new habit in place starting TODAY.

Make one small change today, and relive that change day after day after day  — similar to how Bill Murray experienced an entire day over and over and over EXCEPT we’ve got control over the one element of that day that will remain the same: our new habit.

Explore the power of making small changes
to reach your health goals.

Take one of these actions every day for the next month:

  • Reach out to a friend
  • Go for a walk (distance and amount of time is up to you)
  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Dance party (alone or with family)
  • Add one plant-based meal to your day
  • Drink 8, 8-ounce glasses of water
  • Write in a journal
  • Make a gratitude list and read it before going to bed
  • Meditate
  • Add cardio to your day
  • Make a daily to do list and keep it to five items
  • Write a note of appreciation to someone
  • Eat an apple
  • Go to bed 15 minutes early
  • Have one less cup of coffee
  • Reduce clutter at your office or home

Got something else you’d rather do? EXCELLENT – go for it. Show Punxsutawney Phil who’s in charge here, and put that habit in place beginning TODAY.

Small changes are a powerful way to reach your health goals: one step at a time you’ll work toward those goals by taking positive action day after day after day.

Let me know what habit you’re implementing. Healthy living starts now.


Why Put a New Habit into Place on Groundhog Day? was last modified: February 2nd, 2021 by Deb Nelson