Set Daily Intentions to Meet Your Goals

What kind of day will you have today? You’re not sure. Really? Guess what, YOU get to decide the type of day you intend to have. Put the power of your intentions in place. What type of day will serve you best?

Wonderful          Productive                Reflective

Resigned             Lazy                          Marvelous

Successful           Disappointing          Lousy

Great                    Fabulous                  Inspirational

Hopeful                Positive                    Magnificent


Identify three tasks / projects / priorities for your day. Why three?

Three priorities are manageable rather than overwhelming.

Three priorities will give you variety so that when you want / need to take a break, you’ve got an alternate project / task to turn to.

Three priorities will give you variety throughout the day, which will help to keep you from getting bored with your day.

Why set priorities for the day?

Clarity is powerful.

When you get interrupted from your project / task, you know exactly what you want to accomplish for the day and you can easily return your focus to the task at hand.

At the end of the day, you’ll know how far you’ve moved forward toward your goals. Celebrate each step toward your goals, whether those goals are health goals, business goals, or personal goals.

How will you celebrate successes? YOU get to decide. Here are a few options:

Take a break and read a book, an article for 20 minutes.

Phone a friend and share your success.

Have a dance party in your kitchen.

Get outside for a walk.

When someone asks you to take a break from your daily intentions:

Make a conscious decision to accept or deny the request to step away from your intentions.

Let them know you’re working on a priority project and find out if you can connect with them later in the day or the next day.

Daily intentions set your expectations for the day.

Holstee ManifestoHave high hopes.

Reach for the sky.

Minimize floundering.

Get onto the work that lights you up.

Know where you’re going.

Feeling like you need to re-assess? Reading this manifesto from the folks at Holstee might help you get back on track.


Each and every day YOU get to paint the picture of what you want your day to look like.

                                               Healthy living starts now.


Set Daily Intentions to Meet Your Goals was last modified: January 7th, 2021 by Deb Nelson