Yikes! We are closing in on 60 days of sheltering at home. I’ve written a bit about what we’re missing during this time of isolation, the importance of taking time to relax, and some pretty cool random acts of kindness. What’s left to write about, you ask? Let’s dive into the unexpected upside of forced time at home.
I put a call out to some folks asking them to let me know if they’d discovered any silver linings resulting from this thing we now call sheltering at home. And they did not disappoint.
For the record, not everyone had a silver lining to report. And that’s okay. This is new territory with lots of ups and downs. Each day presents a new challenge. These challenges present opportunities for us to discover new skills and interests, rediscover likes and dislikes, and to look at our lives through a new lens.
Take a read of these silver linings. If one of them resonates with you, give it a try.
- My garden is going to be in great shape. We have increased interaction in our neighborhood via email so that’s really great.
- We are eating in more and cooking really nice meals. We have dinner together every night. That hasn’t happened since the kids were wee little babes [they’re now in college]. Every Friday night we have a themed dinner / cocktail hour.
It hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be. It has also made me really appreciate the little things like a walk on the beach or a drive on a sunny day.
- Don’t have to go to places that you don’t want to go. Can take a nap whenever you want to.
- I’m trying to get into the Now. Here. This. sentiment of paying attention to what’s happening right here in my space: Not worrying about the future, which I can’t control. And not brooding about the past. Which I can’t fix.
- There are so many things that I am grateful for and feel are of benefit during this time. I am starting from a good and comfortable life, in a good and comfortable place. I am safe and I experience love daily. It is much easier for me to get out for a walk than people in big cities. And so this morning when I was getting ready to do some writing and I was doing my 10-minute meditation prior I realized that for me the best advice to others is to think about how they want to view and find self-care for themselves whether that is through nutrition or some method of exercise, intellectual pursuits, creative endeavors, or social interaction with people as best they can online, or even giving to others – whether that’s within their family or strangers. What does self-care mean to people and how can you “up” that during these difficult times? The silver lining? A chance to think about how we care for ourselves and to make that a little bit better.
- Many people start their emails with kind words like hope you and your family are staying safe.
- My husband being laid off from a job where he was not valued and now getting so many projects done. Our home is becoming a more relaxed and welcoming place.
- Seeing the stories on the news of people leaving the hospital after their families were told that it was unlikely they would survive.
- The outpouring of the financial assistance to so many from so many.
- The silver lining for me is that there is no traffic when I drive back and forth to work. I am gaining an hour and a half of productive time every day.
- We have seen and talked to more neighbors and folks around town during walks than ever before. Also, we will not have to replace cars or dress clothing as quickly.
- My patients and students are very appreciative. And I do like the family game nights.
I’m working through my book piles like crazy.
- Opportunity to deepen relationship with self. I’m thinking opportunities to get to know someone who doesn’t agree with you.
- Spending more time with family. Getting to slow down more. And, of course my favorite – TV🤣
- We painted pottery last night.
- The dog is living her best life right now! My husband and I take her for a walk every morning.
- We are doing less shopping for things we don’t really need because shops are not open. So I feel good about not buying so much junk that ends up in a landfill.
- Having a home business was a good idea!
- It’s OK for the house to be a mess because you know no one is going to stop by unannounced!
- We take family walks. Kids look forward to it each day. At night when I ask the boys the best part of their day, one of our boys consistently says “having you home.”
Caught up on yard work.
- Even though we are still working, not having the rush of traffic, school and extracurricular activities makes the days and nights less stressful.
- My silver lining is knowing that “This, too, shall pass” and it has reminded us of how fragile we are. Maybe people won’t take things, including the environment, so much for granted.
- It is not about my online presence but my relationships. I’ve cut back most of my online marketing and only focused on my essential relationships.
- Lots of introspective time like I’ve never had before to really consider what’s important, what I want my life to be like. Actually taking time for me and all those things I said I was going to do someday. Also reconnecting with hubby and kid in more meaningful way. Realizing how much you buy that you don’t really need. And taking time to delve deeper into my Spirituality. On the flip side, I’m finding the divisiveness really disturbing and am really rethinking social media.
- I like the fact that I don’t have to wear makeup or jewelry and I can wear the same outfit two sometimes even three times!
- After 7 years of using my sewing machine, I just realized it has a cutting feature…just push the little scissor button!! Technology!
- Although the shelter at home was thrust upon us, it’s given us time to ponder a quieter life & gave us a sneak preview to what retirement may feel like – we like it😊
Take time today to think about some of the discoveries you’ve made over the past 60 days. Congratulate yourself for a job well done.
Many thanks to all of you who responded so quickly to my request
for help in writing this blog post.