For the Love of Simba

A lion and a pug walked into a coffee shop… and I got to learn about their fun, wacky, cross-country road trip. Here’s the story:

As Simba relaxed at Crema, one woman remarked, “Seeing that lion is the best thing that’s happened to me today.”
As Simba relaxed at Crema, one woman remarked, “Seeing that lion is the best thing that’s happened to me today.”

Crema, a Portland, Maine coffee shop, was my satellite office yesterday. It met all of my requirements: fun atmosphere, good coffee, wifi, air conditioning. How could my Crema experience possibly get any better? Enter a giant stuffed lion, carried by its proud owner wearing a pug-adorned t-shirt. (Note to readers: I have a mild pug obsession.) I watched the lion, his owner and two companions approach the pastry case. Unable to control myself, I walked over to find out what was up with this group.

Will Mitchell explained to me that me he and Simba, along with two friends, travelled from the west coast’s Washington to the east coast’s Portland. He handed me a business card and asked me to check out Simba’s website. Of course, I put my work aside to do a little surfing. Sure enough, I learned that Mitchell loves Lion King and has a Lion King collection that includes the five-foot lion. No need to worry that Simba is missing her clan – there’s room for more than one cat on this trip.

Mitchell and friends have documented this coast-to-coast road trip by posting photos online: Simba moose hunting in Montana; visiting Mount Rushmore; fishing in the waters of Portland, Maine; and many more stops along the way. Vegas promises to be a highlight of the return trip! Somehow I suspect that what happens in Vegas will be shared with all of us. I know I’ll be watching for the photo; it promises to tell a good story.


For the Love of Simba was last modified: July 18th, 2013 by Deb Nelson