Sock Monkeys Against Cancer – Let’s Bring Them to Life

Cancer is serious business; these cute, cuddly monkeys with wild hair bring a ray of sunshine along with a big dose of humor and hope to cancer patients. They are the creation of Jennifer Windrum in response to her mother’s lung cancer diagnosis.

Why SMAC: Sock Monkeys Against Cancer? Windrum and her mother, Leslie Lehrman, live 1200 miles apart. The sock monkeys allow Windrum to have her arms wrapped around Leslie every day – at every chemo session; every test; every nap; and every crazy, unanticipated turn Leslie’s cancer treatment takes.

These two unassuming sock monkeys have a big job to do: NoMo, as in No More cancer, battles all cancers; Phoenix is dedicated to SMAC!-ing lung cancer.

Leslie’s own words describe just how big a role these sock monkeys against cancer play in her life:

It’s hard for me to describe how ‘my boys’ (NoMo and Phoenix) make me feel. I look into their little eyes and they just make my heart melt. It may sound silly, but when I get up, I say ‘good morning’ to them too. They just make me happy…even on my darkest days.

Please take a few minutes to read in Windrum’s own words how this journey began and continues to unfold by visiting Bring SMAC Sock Monkeys Against Cancer to Life. The video shows how this labor of love supports Leslie now and has the potential to support many, many more going through cancer treatment with a little help from us.

If you’d like to support Windrum’s efforts in this cancer SMAC-down, time is of the essence. 25 days (from November 5) remain to raise $35,000 to put this SMAC!-down into place.

This blog post is one in a series highlighting good deeds. Please share examples of good deeds in your community with us below or contact Deb directly.


Sock Monkeys Against Cancer – Let’s Bring Them to Life was last modified: December 1st, 2016 by Deb Nelson